2 cases of burning villages and one incident involving the arrest and execution of two young people.
EVENT 1 SAC troops burnt down 6 houses from Kyaw Zay Yar village
Date: 31 July 2023 Coords: 22.063510, 95.776947 Incident summary: About 100 SAC troops raided Kyaw Zay Yar village which is located on the Shwebo-Mandalay road at around 0400 on 31 July 2023, burning down 6 houses and stealing civilian property. Source: https://www.facebook.com/myaelattathan/posts/pfbid0ywbn2TdTriazDbt6gnoSkyCDTcdXWvdVQbt25bggyn2gPHa5QmrFQG3H3wtB3uEEl
Category: Arson, Clearance Operations
Alleged Actor: SAC
EVENT 2 An SAC column raided Baw Kone village, Ayadaw township, burning houses and arresting locals
Date: 2 August 2023 Coords: 22.333629, 95.340820 Incident summary: On 2 August 2023, at around 0500, an SAC column who had camped at Naung Gyi Aing village raided Baw Kone village and rounded up around 30 local people from the village. They burnt down 17 houses. At around 1030, they released the women and children. before taking 10 men still captive back to Naung Gyi Aing village. Source: https://www.facebook.com/myaelattathan/posts/pfbid0JhYzzfCTiBuCniMPHQWZhjaFyAFaQ736CAcLvy11oBS2HYee36JbkUmHzLKjs39tl
Category: Arson, Detention, Human shields Alleged Actor: SAC EVENT 3
Two youths were arrested and killed near Nam Aum village
Date: 25 July 2023 Coords: N/A Incident summary: Two youths who are members of Kachin Baptist Church from Tee Ma village were arrested on the way home near Nam Aum village on 25 July 2023. They were killed by SAC troops and the dead bodies were buried in the forest. When the dead bodies were found, the dead bodies were wearing TNLA uniforms. Source: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=264336679646132
Category: Arrest, Detention, Execution, Cover-up Alleged Actor: SAC